Saturday, July 18, 2020

Urging to Be Imitated

Calls with China and Japan today that lasted from my 8:00AM till my 10:00AM.  And with that I was in the car riding over to my mom’s to rendezvous with my father, who was, characteristically already at work on the project de jure: unscrew the swinging doors she has there and place them down in the basement.  My pop had already figured out how the doors were hung and where we’d need to unscrew things to remove them.  My role had more to do with brawn.  Had it been left to my brain I suspect I’d have needed quite a long time to iterate through the proper unscrewing. 

On my way back home, I stopped at Lowes.  The birds needed feed.  And as I parked the car near the cart return shelter, I got a call from a wonderful old friend with whom I’ve been playing phone-tag.  And all through the cavernous aisles of Lowes and on towards the tight aisles of Shop Right my chum and I considered all that had gone on in Hong Kong and the China we knew.  I’d say we did a less thorough job discussing our homeland though the call kept dropping and I got interrupted by a lady who showed me I wasn’t following the directional arrows in my Shop Right progression.  Ah, but it was grand to talk richly, and freely with someone who cares for the same things I do. 

My younger one and my wife wanted the car, but I managed to squeeze in a visit “In Good Taste” to get a weekly case of wine.  My accountant asked me about that charge as she was preparing my books.  “Is this a business charge?”  Well, ain't much business gonna happen without that weekly visit, but no, it isn’t something I can legitimately claim as a business expense. 

Before returning home, I visited the rehabilitation facility where my stepfather has now been moved.  It is literally a stone’s throw from my house.  Well, someone in major league baseball could throw it that far, I couldn’t.  I went up foyer and asked through the glass for directions to his window, so I could chat to him.  I proceeded as directed and found nothing.  I went up to one window that might have been his, which housed a stranger.  A friendly if simple fellow without any shirt was sitting outside an adjoining window, offered me some suggestions in a voice that was urging to be imitated.  I did another perambulation and finally I heard my stepdads voice down near the topless gent.  I sat on the stoop and we had a good talk.  He seems to be doing a lot better.

Friday, 7/03/20

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