Sunday, November 29, 2020

Of This Fleeting Epiphany


Yesterday my older one mentioned that Toronto was having a snowstorm.  “Getting down to the border tomorrow might be tough.  I could take a train, but that sort of defeats the purpose of avoiding crowds and . . .”  We had sent Monday as an arbitrary day to pick her up and bring her back in time for Thanksgiving.  I immediately suspected this was a ruse, to buy an extra day and said as much.  But a blizzard is a blizzard and not long after I grumbled, I considered Tuesday for a moment and decided it would be a much better day for this long journey. 


So, I worked all day.  I didn’t cancel the two calls this morning as I’d suspected I’d have to. One call I’d imagined trying to take from the road came and passed me by.  Why wasn’t there a calendar reminder?  I pinged the person concerned and apologized and tried to reschedule.  I needed to rewrite a report.  Nothing challenging, beyond simply getting started.  I found one reason and then another and finally worked it through in time for the call that took place around noon. 

I left my bike ride go.  I don’t know why.  Cold out.  Cloudy.  Wasn’t particularly motivated to head out.  Not long before 4:00PM I finally got motivated and headed north back into town.  And while I’ve generally been playing twentieth century American composers on these rides, I dug up and decided to familiarize myself with some more of this Muscle Shoals oeuvre that that Vassar College radio station had hipped me two the other day. Strange crossroads of people showing up there at that studio, to play with the “Swampers” and the twenty-two year-old house, lead guitarist, Duane Allman. 

Riding out of town, I saw that big house at 74 Huguenot St from a distance and thought about what it would be like to make use of that building.  If you had a restaurant there, it would be a show case, an exceptional environment and it would desecrate this historical building and cause an understandable uproar in town.  On my way back I took photos of those old buildings in part to remind myself of this fleeting epiphany.  It was dark by the time I got back home. 




Monday, 11/23/20

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