Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Slivers of Wrapping Paper

Merry Christmas.  Up earlier than everyone else.  Last night my office was the center of the wrapping frenzy and there are spent tape tubes and slivers of wrapping paper all over the floor and spilling out of the waste basket.   It sit down with my computer and look over the papers.  There doesn’t seem to be any good news here at the end of the year, on Christmas morning.  Someone has left Steven Mnuchin a box of horse manure at his home in Hollywood.  That cheers me up.

My little one is down earliest around 7:30AM or so.  We are officially beyond the Santa artifice this year and accordingly I do not act amazed that there are more presents out under the tree now, then there were late last night when we went to bed.  Everyone asked me to put a breakfast meal together and I figure I’ll need to head over to the market to get some bacon, a few potatoes.''

The little one wants a special caramel latte from Starbucks.  Her sister isn’t awake yet but the little one confirms that she wants a soy latte.  I end up with a drink for everyone and a bag full of scones.  The lady whom I often see there seems particular eager to wish me a "Merry Christmas", which is thoughtful and genuine.  The bag full of coffees unfortunately does not survive the turn into our compound and someone’s cappuccino begins to leak through its taped lid into the paper bag and on the carpet floor. 

By the time I return my little one has managed to wake everyone up.  Breakfast later, I’m informed.  My little one takes charge and ensures that everyone has a present and suggests the order of the circle clockwise and, once she has confirmed that everyone is paying attention, she instructs me to begin.  “Open your present baba.  Open it.”  A purple tie.  I put in on and quickly the focus attention is on to the next person in the circle. 

Monday, 12/25/17

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