Saturday, June 3, 2017

Gate 40 Confirmed

I hate this shit.  Delayed again.  “The plane will be delayed due to air traffic delay.” I can’t absolutely verify if the announcement sounds quite as Kafkaesque in Chinese. I’m staring up at Gate 40.  The plane is right outside, sitting there, empty.  Stewards walk up and down the ramp out to the vessel.  The surly little squirrel-faced fellow who unenviably man’s Gate 40 confirmed, that the flight is delayed.  There is no other news.
I always ask when I check in, automatically now, “is the flight on time?”  It’s a dumb question because it doesn’t really matter how it is she or he answers.  Today I was told, with confidence that I should expect an on-time departure.  Walking over here to Gate 40 I had errant epiphany: “I’m flying China Eastern today.  China Eastern’s home airport is here in Shanghai.  If I were flying Air China today, like I usually do, I bet the flight would be delayed.  Perhaps I should take China Eastern more often if they are better about delays.”

This naïve loop is now on repeat in my head, mocking me.  I get a text that suggests we might get out of here three hours later.  I’m getting more irritable.  The young woman next to me begins to play her TV on her phone audibly.  I look at her once.  And then again.  She is oblivious.  I don’t care: “Hey?” I ask in Chinese: “do you have earphones?”  “Oh yeah, there out of battery.” “Huh.  Well, it’s kind of loud.” My face certainly looks rather unpleasant.  She turns it down.  Later she moves.

Squirrelly man makes an announcement in Chinese which I can’t quite discern.  It’s about the departure of our flight and people are now mobbing the counter.  I walk up and see that they are now handing out boxes of rice and meatballs.  I stand in line for moment and the stewardess asks me in English if I would like food. I bark back in Beijing-brogue Chinese: “Of course I do.  Why does this guy only make the announcement in Chinese?  How are other people supposed to figure out what you’re talking about?”  I’m showing off.  I’m being an asshole, on purpose.  The other people around me laugh at my insult.

Me and my plastic box return back to where I’d been sitting.  I concede in my mind, that were this to happen in the US, no one would ever think to make any secondary announcement in any other language, ever.  The rubber band shoots off as I open the food box.  The young guy next to me, as if on cue, begins to watch a comedy show with canned laughter on his phone.  “Don’t you have ear phones?”  “Oh. No.”  “Can you turn it off?”

The meatballs aren’t bad.  I don’t want the canned corn.  I take a walk over to the bathroom.  As I urinate the short little cleaning man, begins to yell at the sort of volumes that should otherwise be saved for life threatening situations.  He’s yelling in Shanghaihua at someone back in cleaning people’s galley.  I try on for size how to yell tart Chinese phrases at him: “what the hell are you yelling for?”  Zipping my fly, I continue in my mind: “your cultural level is so low.” Just like how the Chinese love to say it.  But I don’t.  I wash my hands and head back to Gate 40.

Friday 06/02/17

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