Monday, April 25, 2022

Her Red Target Shirt


I can feel the air conditioning rising-up from the vent, at my feet.  During the day its’ imperative, but at night it isn’t always necessary.  For now, it feels good.   The Central Hudson bill was $235 for the month.  That certainly seems like a lot.  I’d mentioned to the girls to be careful with their wall mounted air conditioners on the second floor, but perhaps its’ something else.


Today at 9:30AM I was speeding up 87 to Kingston.  My older one had to get to work.  For the second day in a row, I told her to put on tunes, but she reminded me that she couldn’t until the car was stopped because it involved removing one phone and adding another.  Cloudy day, hot, humd, but not excessive.  My daughter doesn’t want to go in to work today.  She has on her red Target shirt. 

Read all morning.  Read when I got home.  Took a nap and read.  I finished off Cela’s “The Family of Pascual Duarte” after reading his “Journey to the Alcarria.”  A colleague and former student had recommended “Carmen.” I read it.  Another had recommended “The Alchemist.”  I read it too, quickly as I wanted to get to some of these Lorca plays which I also seemed determined to read today.  They were all cruel and gynocentric.  “The Ornament of the World” by Rosa Menocal will take me longer.  Anyway,  the day was already done. 


My older one had mentioned chickpeas.  I imagined something with small pieces of potato and zucchini baked mixed with the chickpeas.  Some olive oil.  Some fennel seed.  I linked it.  She ate around the zucchini.  I made some bruschetta for her that was better received.  The rack of lamb which she didn’t eat, I cut into chops and those came out well, if a bit fatty. Grilled lamb chops with cumin and paprika and sea salt always remind me of Beijing.

Sunday, 7/25/21

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