Saturday, March 5, 2016

Window is Cracked Open

Coming in like a lamb, rather than heading out like one.  Mild day in Beijing.  No signs of rebirth preparing to grip the dry, dusty winter landscape.  We may yet get hit with some more winter weather.  But today the sun’s out.  The driver’s window is cracked open, a breeze is blowing in, and I don’t mind in the least.  As I’d hoped, on this first day back in Beijing in a while, it feels a bit like spring.  We made it, once again. 

In Beijing this means we get windstorms and poplar puffs but you also get leaves and more daylight and invariably, it is an upgrade on winter.  I tried to catch a little nap a few moments back.  I drifted off quickly and reluctantly resurfaced.  Now I’m in the back of a cab.  I’m not quite awake but nor am I sure I can easily return to sleep again either.  Off to the side there are piles of trash in the rows of poplar trees out before Beijing Riviera.  Someone should clean that up.

It’s good to have one’s own routine back.  Did all the things I’m supposed to do.  Meditation, check.  Calisthenics, check.  Early morning trip to the gym before everyone else, done.   Lot’s of emails chipped away at and then the rest of the family is up.  A good productive day but by 2:30PM I am feeling it.  Jet lag is going to take what is due.  Everything outside is covered in dust.  We need rain, badly.

So the BeiGao entrance is still closed to traffic.  What’s the logic behind that?  Normally they take on a new project like that and have it sorted quickly.  This has gone on for months now.  I’ll need to look up if this is for politics or they’re actually is something they’re laboring to achieve with this.  Facing a very late arrival, again.   This road, below that exit with Wang Jing off to the right is torture. 

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