Thursday, March 16, 2017

Fluffy White Pillow

My nights are getting gobbled up.  I’m better, I suppose at protecting my mornings.  I don’t generally book any calls till 8:00AM.  I’ve got the gym routine.  I like having breakfast, such as it is, with my kids. I can make exceptions but 8:00AM tends to be a logical threshold.  Last night was the first night I’d had calls after the U.S. sprang-forward and reclaimed their day light hour.  All my calls became discombobulated and conflated and soon I was apologetically rescheduling things out past 10:00PM

At 1:00AM another call is looming, like an insurmountable wall.  A new client has graciously organized a large training.  But the only time they could schedule it was to begin this seven hour session at 1:00AM.  I hugged a pillow in the downstairs bedroom around 10:30PM and painfully made my way back to my office when the alarm went off, two hours and fifteen minutes later.

Like Linus, I brought my fluffy white pillow dragging behind me.  I put it on the floor and considered what it would be like to listen to this call, from the floor.  Fiddling with one and then another conferencing app I realized I was broadcasting my image and, looking like a platypus, I quickly shut it down.  Attending, viewing maybe.  I draw the line at broadcasting myself at this hour. 

Two, turns to four and I’ve managed to multi-task this into a reasonably productive catch up session on various to-dos I have.  Steadily the evening makes its way towards 6:00AM.  This is a turning point.  One any normal morning I would throw on my shorts and wake my younger one up and head to the gym.  Could I?  The alternative is to lie down and surrender to sleep.  But I know I’ll be leaving home in two hours anyway for the train station. 

I’ll sleep on the train to Jinan then.  I’ve got my blue shorts on and go to tell my little one its’ time to get up.  All the while, the conference all continues to broadcast in my ears.  I suppose I’ll bring them all with me on to the stair master if we’re still continuing on. 

Monday, 03/13/17

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