Saturday, March 30, 2019

My Lovely City

Back in Beijing and feeling that wonderful momentary burst of Beijing, as exotic.  The people all seem familiar and the suddenly a whole system of logic that I”veg been imbued with makes sense.  I’m here I’ m home.  A woman asked me the other day at a talk if I was more Chinese or More American and I answered that it was unquestionably the latter and it is.  And it is lovely to be back in my adopted terrarium. 

The sky is so blue.  There are plumb blossoms and cherry blossoms bursting about.  No dust in the air.  The puff balls haven’t come yet.  They will  But for now my lovely city looks remarkable  They will get there.  Beijing will get there.

I must get my phone fixed. This will mean a day without my phone, surely.  But I’ve not choice.  The mother board, ahas been diagnosed as being broken.  I will need to take it on over to Kevin, the phone-fixer man at the front gate and get it fixed.  No phone for a day.  Can I survive?  How nice to declare myself phone free.

Pleasant driver.  I’m rapping with as I type. He’s from Zhang Jia Kou.  And he wants to learn about me and what I drink and what I do for a living and what parts of China I’ve seen.  I type and we chat. He mentions that Jenny’s, our local market is rather expensive and I agree. 

Saturday, 3/30/19

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