Sunday, October 27, 2019

Mugwort In a Sentence

My little brother’s gonna visit today.  He’s got his three-year-old son, my nephew Peter in-tow and they’ll leave from New Jersey at 11:00AM to get here around twelve-thirty.  My father and stepmother will arrive around that time as well.  It’s gorgeous outside.  This remarkable Indian summer is continuing on till nearly the end of October.

I suggest I’ll make burritos and head out to the market to get all the things I need.  At Mercer Farms I pulled in to get one of their key lime pies, which they had, but I grabbed an apple crisp instead.   The big, cheery guy with a cap and an orange shirt, who looks for all the world like the lion in “The Wizard of Oz,” pointed me to where they were on the counter.

My nephew is wonderful.  Wonder is what he brings.  Suddenly our attic fan, that you can turn on with a dial on the first floor is the most remarkable thing in the world.  He’s willing to consider the possibility of magic acorns and visiting Saturn.  He has a favorite color.  It is red.  He has a lunchbox. Of course he wants to go see the cows.  

My dad, my stepmom, they know their natural surroundings, better than I do.  The suet feeder will attract the woodpecker, she tells me and not long after I’m thrilled to see a downy woodpecker out there, doing just that.  “That’s all mugwort in there.”  Cool.  I don’t think I have ever used the word “mugwort” in a sentence but I will now, that I know I have a copse of it.  My dad spots a hickory tree, and confirms a sycamore when he finds the leaf.  But after that I want every tree and neither he or she can go tree by tree in the canopy.  My little brother, however, has an app, “Seek,” that lets him scan the leaf and soon we know that the saw toothed leaf here, was from an Elm.  My father and I downloaded the app immediately. 

Saturday 11/26/19

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