Sunday, October 25, 2020

No. He's Not Returning

I thought I was cool.  I’d prepared for this morning’s ride.  Leaving our house at 7:45AM, I still had a final ten minutes or so of a weekly call with six or seven different countries.  My little one sat beside me in the driver’s seat listening to tunes in her earbuds.  I wasn’t asked to contribute anything and soon it was over. 


We cut off 299 and on to New Paltz Road which is a recently discovered short cut that affords some outstanding fall foliage and I exhaled.  “Right.  Glad to have that done.  So, what’s as going on with Eren?  He turned into a Titan, died and then returned?”  “Yeah.” “Can you explain it a little without giving away the plot?”  “Yeah.”  “So . . . ?”  “So he didn’t really die.”  “Yeah, I get that.  He’s back.”    We went on this way for while.  Me asking questions about is seemingly the single most important thing in her world just now, which I made the time to actually read so we could discuss.  But things were flat. 


“Is something going on?”  “Yeah.”  "Right.  Um.  What?” “Levi died.”  “I see.”  Levi is the character from ‘Attack on Titan’ whom she adores.  “Surely he’ll be back?  I mean there is definitely precedent for people dying and returning in that series.”  “No.  He’s not returning.  It’s like I lost my boyfriend.”  “I see.”  This, then was why she’d been so sullen.

When I returned home I thought I had the scoop on things and shared my insight with my wife, who calmly informed me that last night, after I’d gone to bed, my daughter had come down shrieking, devastated, that “her boyfriend” had died.  Apparently when her older sister, who has a corporeal boyfriend tried to cheer her up the younger one queried: “How would you feel if you lost Joseph?”  The older one rightly pointed out that they weren’t comparable seeing as how one was a real person and the other a cartoon creation, but she wasn’t having it.  This was a body-blow.  I was merely dealing with the morning after. 

Tuesday, 10/06/20

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