Monday, April 3, 2017

Buster Keaton to Unmute Things

Saturday began with a call at 5:00AM.  This was supposed to last for about three hours.  Painful, but not intolerable.  I’m usually up by six whether I want to be or not anyway.  The information was interesting, important, helpful.  I tried to concentrate.  And I thought as well about the big circular pillow I was sitting on.  I thought about it more and more.  And soon it seemed like a sensible thing to do would be to like on the tile floor and to hug this pillow.  I drifted off warily and immediately heard my name and rose like Buster Keaton to unmute things and add a comment.          

I considered coffee.  It was too early for coffee.  I tried to stand and this helped to get the blood flowing.  I made some comments, which helped even more.  By the time it was done we were at 8:45AM or so.  During the week I would never wind up doing this, but with the rest of the house yet to rise, I decided to head back up stairs, read a bit of my novel and head off back to the sleep I'd interrupted.

I’m about half way through of D. H. Lawrence’, "Lady Chatterley’s Lover."  I’d begun this endeavor as the work had shown up son a list The Guardian provided, of novels set in Venice. Finally, two hundred pages in I’m reminded of this as her ladyship posits a trip to Venice with her family.  His lordship Clifford, is paralyzed from the waist down after a war injury.  He won’t be going.  Her ladyship, reckons the trip could do her good, even though she isn’t keen to go.  She is concerned that her affair with the gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors has resulted in a pregnancy.  As I drift off to sleep she is toying with the idea of using Venice to explain a pregnancy if indeed she turns out to be with-child.  I’d bought it quickly on line and the edition has what appears to be a thin, five-point font.  The text is woozy beneath my contact lens films and soon it doesn’t matter at all. 

My older one and I went to the gym later in the day.  She was doing her stretches.  I was pulling weights out laterally, trying to toughen up my gut.  On my ears was a “Pod Bless America” pod that a good friend had recommended.  It's interesting to consider news analysis in this fashion, as I do not usually do so.  Off to the left a middle-aged guy has walked in to the gym.  Immediately he begins talking to my daughter.  I stopped my weights and watched.  They were about thirty feet away.  I considered the grizzly bears and other animals that charge things when something comes between they and their young.  Was this guy trying to chat her up or does he know her?  I looked for clues in her face but found none.  Eventually he walked off and I stopped feeling like a grizzly. 

Saturday 03/25/17

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