Saturday, April 15, 2017

"Incompetent" On His Recent Visit

It is late at night and I’m reckoning with competing impulses.  I should head to bed.  I’ve been vaguely tired for a while now.  I’ve got the munchies.  I’m just back from a little run that got me a handful of roasted sunflower seeds, some apricots and raisins and two or three of those Loaker wafer cookies.

The cat is meowing, locked into the laundry room.  Duke Pearson’s “The Phantom” is sounding like what’s needed for the end of the evening.  The Mrs. wants me to check the light in the vehicle.  Why is it still on?  We’ve traded our car with her brother for this week.  But we don’t know all the tricks to ownership.  Looks like I’d left the blinker on.  

I thought about taking a nap back at 1:00PM.  That turned into ‘right after lunch’ and then that call and another. I needed to make some dinner and then the kids are home.  I wonder if I could institute a normal nap here at home as something I regularly do.  One suspects this is more healthy than coffee.

Gazing over the news I took note of the moxie required by Rex Tillerson to tell the Russian government they had been “incompetent,” on his recent visit.   The Russian management of their ally, Assad, had been “incompetent,” he insisted.  They should have stopped him from using Sarin gas.  Does a member of the Trump administration flinch at all before tossing that adjective around at others?   What else if not incompetent have the Trump team been thus far?


  Tuesday, 4/11/17

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