Sunday, November 19, 2017

A Memorable Combination

There wasn’t a bit of traffic today.  The driver said he’d made the drive a few hours earlier during rush hour and it was concrete.  Down to the Rosewood hotel.  They’ve created a little oasis there tucked back from the city.  An oasis-ette.  A few trees that  creates the illusion of seclusion.  I’ll take it. 

Inside I had a meeting with a young man.  Everyone is a young man or a young lady these days.  So it goes.  Try to balance the youthful need to establish ones legitimacy with the older persons concern of appearing ancient.  "I remember this place when it wasn’t here."  How far away the last millennium must seem to all these people. 

The young person I'm meeting had already eaten.  I hadn’t.  We were meeting at 12:30PM so I’d assumed lunch was on.  I ordered a tuna salad and, it was actually a memorable combination of seared tuna and tuna salad glops combined with a purple yams and crispy greens.  I found myself wishing it wouldn’t stop.

There are no cabs.   The bellhop gets me one.  I explain my approximate destination:  The New Convention Center.  “Where?” I repeat emphasizing the dip in the third syllable.  “What?”  “Look, take the Third Ring Road to the airport expressway, get off at Bei Gao proceed along Jing Mi till you get to Gao Bai Lv, from there I’ll tell you what's next, ya got that?”  This tends to settle things.  

In feeling pugilistic with my work, as well.  I have to fight to defend myself on this account and with that engagement.  Turn and struggle, turn and clarify.  Well.  That's good.  It was simply a misunderstanding.  I'm glad to hear that.  Turn now, and turn and turn off to bed.   

Wednesday, 10/18/17

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