Friday, July 4, 2014

Nation, Constipation

Odd day.  Up all night working on a must do doc.  Couldn’t fight sleep at midnight, back up at two.  Sent.  Now.  Two different negotiations have just reached the arm wrestling stage.  Back and forth.  Hopes, disappointments, revisions.  And you need to keep everyone abreast of all that’s going on and keep everyone on it, striving. Meanwhile another negotiation that’s already done, has a new snag.  Could mean a week or more of delay on something that I’d already thought was largely settled.  I feel like I’m working my way through the bush with a machete. 

Guests are over visiting tonight.  Friends from eight years ago, or so, from when we lived in Hong Kong.  A great, time-honored friend of my older daughter’s has joined for the night.  They’re talking in the other room.  So glad to be able to help maintain friendships like these for the girls over time.  I can remember moving twenty five minutes across the county when I was her age and I never saw a single soul from that town again, in all the time since then.


Happy Fourth of July.  You have to really go out of your way in Beijing to find much of any testimony to this particular day here in Beijing.  Just got off the phone with two dignified friends down in the immigrant kingdom of Shenzhen.  They were fresh off work and we got riffing about the birth of our nation.  And, with all the complexity of trying rhyme a word like “Loco” in Spanish we set about to find appropriate rhymes for the word.  This sets one out on an initially invigorating, process of finding all the things that rhyme with “nation.” 

Game on, my mind goes immediately to “Pastime Paradise” another offering from the bicentennial year, by Stevie Wonder featured on  “Songs in the Key of Life” fin which goes on about “dissipation, race relations, conciliations, segregations, etc.”  When Stevie with the utmost seriousness, emphasizes “Mutilation” I think I speak for many in wanting to introduce a substitute like “constipation” and “masturbation.”  It was on this level of foolishness that we laughed ourselves stupid with insular with our 语无伦次[1] .

Friends up are from Hong Kong.  They were all but unaware of the protests underway.  Everything is always captivating from a distance.  That the protests weren’t all consuming caught me by surprise.  Meanwhile, have a look at this article about South Korea and China.  This is interesting, as it suggests not only that China and South Korea may develop some rapprochement, with Xi in town, but that it opens up new possibilities for reconciliation between Russia and North Korea and even North Korea and Japan.  This could be China’s one diplomatic bright spot among border nations.

[1] yǔwúlúncì:  incoherent speech / to talk without rhyme or reason (idiom)

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