Sunday, July 24, 2016

I Am Caught Up

I am caught up.  Finally.  At least as it concerns this blog.  If you are looking at the entry titles you can scroll back to the one posted on July 1, entitled “Tinny Prepubescent Barking.”  In the time since then, I have not been able to post until a few days ago.  Six or seven entries and accompanying photos were all stored on a computer I lost connection with on July 2.   So I wrote new entries on a different computer, and continued to snap photos away on my iPhone.  But I didn’t want to post as it would interrupt the flow and there would be no way to properly reintroduce all the missing posts.  So I wrote and snapped and waited. 

I’ve never waited a period this long before and catching up on some twenty-five different entries, is a considerable investment of time.  Precious time.  They’re all up now and this is the entry for today, the day it will be posted.  Phew.  My old computer is off to the left, working once gain, displayed on a separate screen.  Nothing proved irretrievable, besides the computers’ display.

I got a tinny, adult barking today on the phone, which I would usually ignore and this time paused.  I’ve been burned before on this.  Yes.  It is China Unicom reminding me to pay for the fixed line service.  Generally I wouldn’t care as it’s used so infrequently.  But this is also tied to our internet service.  That’s not funny.  If it goes off on Monday morning, when I’m sitting down to work, it will be a very unproductive day.  I will shout. 

My wife reminded me of where the Unicom office was.  Settlement would require me to travel over a few miles to their office where I could top off the bill on a machine that accepted cash.  I had no idea what the charge would be.  My friend who drove me kept asking why I didn’t just pay a year in advance and be done with it.  Good question.  Indeed the charge was only one hundred and fifty yuan.  I dropped in a hundred and left the fifty as a buffer for the next time. 

Now, on to catching up with everything else in my life. 

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