Saturday, September 23, 2017

Requisite Person?

Zhong Guan Cun used to be gritty.  It isn’t clear just what it is now.  Will people bemoan the passing of gritty Zhong Guan Cun the way they do the Bowery of old? “It’s not authentic like it used to be.  These malls aren’t like the old ones.”  Certainly, it still isn’t particularly attractive.  Clearly it has many, many new glass towers and some of which are smart and many of which are emblematic of the old, electronic warehouse feel of the place. 

I’m here to meet an iconic company.  They aren’t usually associated with the capital but they have an office here. I think of an old friend who joined this company I’m visiting today, when we were all much younger, some twenty years ago.  In those days, I was worried for him joining another “internet” company at the height of the bubble.  Neither he nor I knew all that was about to happen.

I sat in the lobby for a while.  “I’ll be the woman in a black dress.” That’s what the translated text suggested.  OK.  Up before me, standing in the lobby was a twenty something woman in a black dress.  “requisite person’s name?” I offered?  She ignored me.  “Requisite person’s name?“   I repeated, louder.  Standing now, I walked over to the woman in the black dress.  Tilting my head disarmingly I offered unmistakably: “requisite person?” “No.”  “Oh.  Sorry.”  The lobby was only so big.  I checked my translation again and there was something about a “striped” black dress.  Ms. Wrong was a solid black affair.  Turning back in towards the elevator the striped black dress appeared before me.  “Hello. You must be: requisite person.”

She led me through a security door to a café.  A corporate café.  The café has a living corporate animal, which defines it.  This animal is depicted in more than a few of the marketing items available for sale about the place, I learn in due course.  The animal is a large white cat and it walks about the cafe wilfully.  “There she goes.“  That’s nice.  I listen as the cat’s name and its’ significance are explained.  “I am allergic to cats” I think, but I keep silent. 

Wednesday, 09/13/17

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