Friday, May 17, 2019

All the While Thumping

I’ve had the Falstaffian presence of Charles Mingus yelling out and crooning and speaking about Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan and all the while thumping so convincingly and so aggressively out from my speakers these past few days, that when I friend called, I just automatically asked him, “You ever listen to much Mingus man?”  And he said “uh, no.”  After we were done with our call I cut a link from Youtube for Blues and Roots and sent it on his way.   And then I listened to it real loud as I went out to prepare the dinner.

I had a whole meal planned and was preparing some grilled eggplant, a shrimp and pesto sauce and my little one came home and said” “oh I’m ordering out.”  And I said: “no you’re not.”  And soon this descended into an argument with the Mrs. who thought it was somehow and expression of Friday night freedom to let the little one do-her-own-thing.  I just hate it if I make a meal and someone makes some other shit on the side.  I know its prima donna play but if I’m mid dinner prep, don’t mess with it.  Not at the last minute.

The older one came down with her friends who were heading out for the night.  “Ooh, it smells good.”  But I’d made it with her departure in mind and the shrimp would fit with her vegan priorities.  I finished serving what I had and went off pouting, to do a call I had with two people in Brazil.  They’d been on one bridge and I’d been on another, the wrong one it turns out. 

I asked them to remind me where they were based.  They said a place that didn’t register with my fledgling Brazilian geography.  “Can you repeat that?”  They said it again and I was thrown, as the second word sounded the way the French pronounce Cambodia.  And that just couldn’t be.  “May I trouble you to spell it?”  B_A_L_N_E_A_R_I_O   C_A_M_B_O_R_I_U.  I see.  I threw it in Google Maps and noticed it was in the state of Santa Catarina.  Behind them was a seemingly impressive sky line, which I commented on and they confirmed was one of the things their city was known for. 

I had my piece of cod, and some of the linguini, later after everyone was done and the smell was no longer so novel and fresh.

Saturday, 5/19/19

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