Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Is Even More Satisfying

Teaching, like any performance art, is only as good as the last minute’s effort.  Perhaps you’ve done something quite well, four times in the past, but you can’t assume it will all unfold as it once did.  You’ve gotta fight for your audience and give them their money’s worth.  And you need to read your reviews and read them again as its very easy to assume. 

But today, was a good day.  I could feel the energy.  It was low yesterday.  It’s back up high, where it should be today.  Students commented on the vibe.  It was palpable.  And, perhaps like a sports team, when they pull back after being down a few points the resurgence is even more satisfying than a steady hum of competence. 

So tonight, go have dinner with friends.  I always see one couple in particular when I’m in town.  But they surprise me tonight to say I should head on over to another old friend’s instead where they will be meeting up this evening.  But I thought they were still in Australia?  Don’t they live in Melbourne? 

So, it is with a quartet of old friends, who have a few other people visiting that I spend the evening.  We’re up in a tower near Xin Tian Di.  They newly returned couple have a lovely little boy.  But it’s too crowded and there are too many strangers I suppose for me to get to know this fella.  One guest talks about staying under water so long that he thought he would faint but then pushing through the pain to a rather blissful state that followed, until he came up gasping for air.   I imagine that for a while but am confident that this will not be a boundary I will consciously be pushing any time soon.

I head out and find a cab.  The couple I’d intended to meet with when I first reached out, join me.  It occurs to me and I mention that we didn’t really have a chance to talk much this evening.  Would you like to meet for dinner again tomorrow night?

Sunday 6/10/18

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