Sunday, January 9, 2022

Hayes' Anticipatory Fills Finish


Phineas Newborn Junior. on the keys.  1958.  He growls around hitting hard, like Red Garland but with more truncated fits and starts.  Paul Chambers on bass always has a full, rich tone and there is nothing to interrupt it while he’s soloing.  Roy Hayes' anticipatory fills finish the triangle on this album, “We Three.”  Leaning back in the chair caught a taste of a sweet decline into a what would have been a deep sleep.  But first I have another call. 

Clouds are moving in over the afternoon.  Thus, the weatherman had spoken.  Tried to get my ride in early, unlike last night when I wasn’t home till just before 9:00PM, now the at the days are as long as they ever get.  Sipping black coffee of a Wednesday.  No food for the hungry today or tomorrow.  I generally enjoy the fasting routine.  A blanked “no” to any food, whatsoever. Down at the feeder a pack of sparrows is bum rushing the one feeder till a sparrow-sawn-stimuli to me unknown, has the posse dart off only to return shortly thereafter. 


I visited the Verizon in my town today.  They open at 9:00AM.  I stopped in at 9:10 and two people who were sitting near the front, turned, and reluctantly responded to my greeting.  I’d thought they worked here.  They were just waiting.  I started to wait.  I wanted to have a look at a sample of the iPhone 12.  I’d lost my iPhone 10 the other day.  I must be old fashioned.  This store didn’t let you see any physical phones.  All they had was lens protectors and cords to charge your phone in the car with.  A gentleman with an Indian accent emerged from the back and began to tell the lady at the head of the line that she couldn’t have what she wanted.  She’d need to spend more money.  She told him she needed it sooner and for less money.  It wasn’t a pleasant chat to listen to and then there’d be the next guy.  I felt silly walking around looking at lens covers.  I needed to urinate.  And I left. 

Next door at Walgreens I headed straight to the back, overcoming my guilt at not wanting to buy anything and found the rest room back of the stock room.  I’ve used this facility before when I was a customer and I tried to invoke that earlier purchase as a talisman.  Back outside I peeked back into Verizon and saw that they lady who wanted a fancy phone fast, for no more money than she was already paying, was still working through that discussion with the tall gent behind the counter.  I reckoned I ought to be able to get what I needed back home, on-line. 




Wednesday, 06/02/21

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