The frogs are going at it again. Riding south the other day I heard a whole
lot of peeping, oddly from up atop a hill.
Down on the trail was a small rivulet that I traced up the slope There must be some swampy, vernal mess up
there that supports thousands of tadpoles winnowed to a few dozen frogs. Going the other direction you pass a summer
swamp or two that you can look right down on and sure enough, they were alive with
the sounds of frogs getting down. No

A friend had
recommended a book stitching together the rise of Castelo Branco in Brazil,
1964 with the overthrow of Sukarno in Indonesia in 1965, suggesting that these
U.S. orchestrated coups were brutally effective and together were pivotal in
ensuring American hegemony. I put it on
my list. I opened an Amazon package out
in the mud room today to find that the book, “The Jakarta Method” by Vincent
Bevins had arrived. I pondered if I’d
somehow hit send when hadn’t intended to, but the more logical answer was that
my pal over in Beijing had just sent it to me.
He did. I thought it might be a
polemic and it may be in the end, but so far the writing is nuanced and the
scholarship is defensible.
But I’m already
out on a tangent. I boxed my mind into
pacing along with my older one’s class assignments which currently have me
halfway through “Secrets of the Soul: A
Social and Cultural History of Psychoanalysis” by Eli Zaretsky and I had wanted
to be diving deep into this pile of Sinophilia I’d amassed for myself. The Zaretsky has an orange book jacket. It looks appealing like a piece of
fruit. It looks a lot more appealing
than the todo email that lists out all I’m supposed to be erasing as done.

Seventy degrees
today. I was wearing gloves when I road
last week. We may yet have snow and
frost but winter’s in retreat. I spoke
this morning with a friend who’s an avid cyclist and I told him that I need to
visit the bike shop because my coccyx was hurting. He had a lot of advice. Some of it required investment and other bits
could be experimented on for free and I tred that angle today raising my bike
seat up just a little bit higher to see if that did move the pressure properly
from my tailbone to my two ischium. I
may yet invest in a new seat.
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