Sunday, December 12, 2021

Invasion of the Bedroom

It was a client-colleague who mentioned it.  We have an hour set aside every week to talk about work and it’s probably more time than we need.  Pretty regularly we drift off into books.  I can’t recall the context but he used a book title to make the point about the universality of whatever it was we were talking about and he quipped “Yes.  'The Hero With a Thousand Faces.'”  I’d read something of Joseph Campbell’s thirty years ago, but I hadn’t read that, and soon it was in my Amazon list and not long after, it jumped the queue and wound up in a box, at my door. 

Regular readers will understand that I’ve just made my way through a large piple of books on Freud and the history of psychoanalysis.  This, to keep pace with my older daughter who is taking a class on the topic.  I purchased the books on the syllabus and tried to read along.  So, my mind is afire with considering the progression of reflection around “Who Am I?” And it was a nice bridge then, with the Campbell to consider “Who Are We?”, that need to all dream similar dreams about protagonists who come from virgin mothers, and have confrontations with father gods, and seem to always need to survive floods and confrontations with large animals and emerge reborn. 


I did not have any such dream last night.  The dream that I navigated is not one that I can recall.  But I’m nearly certain, whatever struggle I was involved with involved a scratching noise.  This as there is a particularly bothersome little mouse who has decided to build out an addition to his house there in the wall at the foot of our bed, between our room and one of the closets.   Three more times I rose from near sleep to slam on the wall and scare him or her into rethinking this, as the place for this construction.  Wisely, he or she waited and resumed, later, after I was off on a my nightly hero's journey.


An exterminator is presumably required.  We have more than one of these rodents.  But we’ve been sensitive to having third party people traipsing around the place during Covid.  But the critter in the kitchen is only annoying when you’re near the kitchen, in the wee hours of the evening.  This invasion of the bedroom is not so easily ignored.  I don’t know just how they do it.  I don’t need to understand the art of sausage making.  But this rodent invaded the inner-inner sanctum and must now be evicted. 

Tuesday, 03/30/21

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